Application Instructions
Medical Product for Normalizing Human Serotonin Balance
Sterile Hydrocolloid Mineral Plaster (HMP) SCHALI® - Rehabilitation
HMP SCHALI® - Rehabilitation is a hydrocolloid mineral plaster based on SCHALI® active mineral formulation (SCHALI-T/10-S titanium dioxide [TiO2]).
Titanium dioxide, Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, Elastomer, Dioctyl adipate, 100% Hydrogenated petroleum resin, Polyurethane film, Polyethylene terephthalate.
HMP SCHALI® Hydrocolloid Mineral Plaster is intended to restore and maintain normal serotonin balance in humans.
HMP SCHALI® exerts a synergistic effect to human body and promotes function of human serotonin receptors. In contact to warm human skin, hydrocolloid mineral plaster induces natural heat response, that triggers generating active oxygen molecules [O2(a1Δg)] on the surface of crystals of distinct type oxides (TiO2) - semiconductors, containing plenty of reactive centers for energy transfer. Energy that is emitted by generation of active oxygen forms, is transferred to human body, where it induces and maintains cascades of bio-resonance wave processes, resulting in better function of serotonin receptors. Control over serotonin reuptake inhibition is enabled by selectively blocking serotonin absorption in presynaptic membrane. Hence, re-balanced level of neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft may intensify neurotransmission in serotonergic synapses.
Serotonin balance also has a strong health beneficial effect and helps in relieving symptoms of different pathological conditions.
Normal function of human serotonin receptors contributes to both restoration of homeostasis and better function of main human organs and systems.
Human serotonin deficiency syndrome is usually an age-related disorder, however it may emerge at an earlier age due to negative impact of environment, nutrition, pernicious habits etc. or after associated diseases, smooth muscle dysfunction (spasm or palsy), thrombocytopenia, impairment of consciousness, as well as in reaction to pharmacologically active substances (exo- and/or endotoxins, drugs etc.). Some of those agents may break normal interaction between serotonin and serotonin receptors resulting in dysfunction of those body organs and systems, where serotonin receptors are located (smooth muscles, platelets, CNS neutrophils etc.).
Human serotonin deficiency syndrome results in dyscrasia and following thanatogenesis.
Relative serotonin deficiency in CNS causes systemic dysfunctions. Due to broken interaction between serotonin and serotonin generating structures /SGS/ in platelets, serotonin leaves platelets and is destructed. This leads to thrombocytopenia conditions and absolute serotonin deficiency out of CNS.
Many free radical generating agents - ionizing radiation, infectious toxins, certain nutrients, sedentary lifestyle, nicotine, vitamin starvation etc.- may cause serotonin receptors dysfunction and affect homeostasis.
This medical product may be used after surgery and in scope of intensive clinical therapy for prevention and treatment of serotonin deficiency conditions resulting in better therapeutic effect (throughout postsurgical rehabilitation).
The product may be used in critical (shock) conditions as well as a complex therapy agent in scope of treatment of circulatory collapse, hypoxemia, bowel obstruction, acute intoxications, and disorders related to microcirculatory and smooth muscles malfunction. Besides, the product has homeostatic action in treatment of haemorrhagic syndrome associated disturbances.
- Relieving muscle tension and pain
- Easing headache and normalizing blood pressure
- Relieving arthritic, rheumatic and fractural pains
- Increasing pain tolerance in burns and chilblains conditions
- Regulating motoric and secretion functions in the gastrointestinal tract, boosting bacterial metabolism in the large intestine
- Promoting motoric and removing functions in bowels, boosting peristaltics, discharging flatus and feces in postsurgical period
- Restoring broken brain functions associated to bowel dysfunction and vascular system disorders
- Recovering after acute intoxication, inclusive psychotropic agents, associated not only to impairment of consciousment, but also to circulatory collapse, functional bowel obstruction
- Activating wound healing processes after urgent surgery, also in gunshot wounds
- Decreasing local inflammation in tissues and zones of wound contusion
- Wound cleansing from perulo-necrotic masses and lowering risk of their formation
- Reducing tissue ischemia in wound edges and walls and relieving tissue hypoxia
- Accelerating healing processes in aseptic and postsurgical wounds
- Boosting healing processes and strength in scars for better cosmetic effect
- Accelerating healing processes in closed injuries, soft tissue traumas
- Decongestion, reducing hematoma and bruise after bone fracture
- Regulating both respiratory apparatus and urogenital system functions
- Promoting oxygen metabolism
- Supporting treatment in disorders related to microcirculatory and smooth muscles malfunction
- Lowering risk of restenosis after coronary bypass surgery
- Inducing immune response and preventing side effects after anesthesia and postsurgical stress, preventing functional failure conditions throughout postsurgical treatment
- Lowering risk of endocrinal complications after surgery, also after anesthesia
- Supporting rhythm and depth of breathing, neuromuscular conductivity (expiratory muscles, skeletal muscles mainly via CNS, restoring normal communication between neurons) after anesthesia
- Lowering risk of hepatic and renal complications after surgery, injury, hypoxia, hypercatecholaminemia etc., also after anaesthesiologic ventilation, infusion
- Enhancing blood supply, blood circulation (changing volume and distribution rate in vessels), lowering suppressive impact to both myocardium and cardiac output associated to compensatory myocardial depression
- Supporting therapeutic effect in treatment of thrombocytopenia associated diseases
- Improving CNS, brain blood supply condition and intracranial pressure
- Relieving vascular collapse
- Promoting brain functions in local and regional vegetative function disturbances (traumatic spinal cord rapture)
- Supporting general state in neuropathy, particularly in compressive ischemic neuropathy conditions of different localizations
- Preventing and curing consequences of stress
- Lowering dose of necessary analgesics
This medical product may be used in a complex therapy and is well compatible with other medications.
It’s strongly recommended to consult your attending medical doctor for re-dosing or cancelling your prescribed medications while using the product.
Attach the product onto posterior neck surface on VII cervical vertebra (mostly prominent neck-bone), on acupuncture point(s) (See Scheme of Acupuncture Points) and/or over problem site(s), and wear the product several days continuously. Do not remove the product for night time or while sleeping, taking bath or shower. The product is waterproof, resistant to temperature drop and may be worn for 3 to 7 days averagely. Feeling of warmth in the contact site is a normal reaction and requires no product removal. The first effect is to expect within 10-40 min. Duration of application course depends on individual response.
No side effects.
No product dependence. No rebound syndrome.
The product includes a hydrocolloid pad impregnated with SCHALI® active mineral formulation and placed in the middle of a fixing part made of an environment-friendly transparent polymeric material and hypoallergenic adhesive. Both sides of the product are covered with protective sheets. The product is placed into a protective bag with tear-off control.
Keep the product in the intact protective bag at below +25°С, with no contact to odorous and chemical substances.
Prohibited wearing the product in sauna, steam bath and solarium.
Keep away from direct sunlight.
Do not use while sunbathed.
Shelf life is 3 years from the date of production.
Do not use the product after expiry date specified on the package.
HMP SCHALI® Hydrocolloid Mineral Plaster is made under license No. 286-S